By Mark Garay on Thursday, 08 March 2012
Category: Legacy Story


Hello everyone. My name is Mark Garay. I am new to this site.  I was a broadcast journalist for 20 years, before venturing out on my own to create a company dedicated to preserving family histories and memories. I create broadcast quality documentaries for my clients. I build video stories around grandpas and grandmas, mothers and fathers, notable citizens recognized for their service to the community and for companies who want to recognize employees who are retiring or have received awards. My website is at:

I felt blessed to have connected with Dennis, because what he and Tom are building mirrors what I have been trying to do on a much smaller scale for the last 4 years. I believe (and it has been my experience) that a huge challenge lies in convicing people that their lives are valuable and interesting, no matter their backgrounds or challenges. The first documentary I created was a 25 minute piece on my grandfather's life  story. ( There is a shortened version of that documentary on my webstie homepage ). I have committed myself to Legacy Stories and have set the following goals.

1. To help this noble effort through my experience in storytelling, and seeing through the vision of making this website an important part of peoples' responsiblity to their own future generations

2. To gain knowledge through the good people associated with Legacy Stories, and to share tips and ideas 

3. To represent the emotional and informational power of storytelling through video

I'm proud to be a part of this. And I hope to build relationships here that will make normal, average, salf of the earth humans happier in the future by helping them to capture their own past.

I look forward to meeting you all.

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