By Dorothy Terror on Friday, 14 June 2024
Category: Motivational

Media Industry

  1. A film noir is a movie genre that was mostly popular in Hollywood in the 1940s. The attributes of this type of film are cynical characters who are usually doomed from the start. These movies are filmed in black and white and there are used a lot of sharp shadows. The main character is usually involved in some type of illegal activity by an attractive femme fatale.
  2. Vertical integration means that there is a film studio that produces and distributes films and owns or rents movie theatres for them without creating contracts with other cinemas as a rewriting service. Such giants as 20th Century Fox or MGM have served as the oligopolists of the media industry for decades. For example, Paramount Pictures had exclusive rights on which theatres would demonstrate their movies. That is how such companies could fully control distribution.
  3. The beginning of the 1920s was marked by the formation of MPPDA. It was created to regulate censorship and keep it within the norm. 1930, they implemented the Hays Code that assigned appropriate movies. In 1968, the Motion Picture Association in America instituted a voluntary rating system in order to replace censorship. Rating categories clearly divided films for responsive audiences.
  4. In the context of television syndication means the license to broadcast programs by different stations, without going through a broadcasting network. The Muppet Show can serve as an example of syndication because it was produced by the ATV company and shown by CBS on its stations worldwide. This type of cooperation is beneficial for both stations and TV programs.
  5. Newton Minow called television a vast wasteland because he believed that considering TV to be the only source of information would be inappropriate and useless. One should enrich their knowledge with the help of books, newspapers, radio, etc. Otherwise, they just waste time by overloading themselves with unnecessary information.
  6. An affiliate fee in television is a payment that is submitted by a subscriber of multichannel video programming distributors. This payment is usually made once a month. Thus, every channel gets revenue along with advertising.
  7. Grunig and Hunt are the inventors of models of public relations. The first one is called the publicity or press agent model characterized as one-way communication. It is done to make viewers behave beneficially for the organization. The public information model uses one-way communication, too. Newsletters and press releases are conducted in order to present important and relevant information without side advertising. The two-way asymmetrical model incorporates advertising and marketing that are useful more for the organization and, thus, it is called asymmetrical. It is used to target the audience and involve them in feedback. The two-way symmetrical model is considered to be ethical and honest. It aims at finding a solution for an issue and determining benefits for each party.
  8. Integrated marketing communication includes all the promotional tools that work for one purpose. Such levels of marketing community as internal, external, data, horizontal, and vertical together make up integrity. Integral marketing is the most complicated type. However, it increases the level of sales and, therefore, profits and provides a competitive advantage. At the same time, it saves time and cuts expenses.
  9. Age, life cycle, gender, income, religion, race, and nationality are the criteria that are used by demographic segmentation in order to divide people into categories that facilitate marketing strategies. Each company targets a particular audience according to what they sell. For example, Rolex aims at high-income adult customers who can afford not only high quality but also a unique approach. They search for clients who appreciate status and luxury as an inevitable part of their lives.
  10. Alcohol and cigarettes are usually prohibited to advertise freely. For example, alcohol cannot be shown as if it enhances physical performance or sexual attraction. It must not be demonstrated as a stimulant and cannot be displayed in immoderate amounts of consumption. Tobacco is restricted on TV although it can be advertised on banners and magazines. There should be an inscription that warns against potential harmful consequences.
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