By Hallie Green on Friday, 20 September 2019
Category: Legacy Story

Youth Culture in Turkey

Culture refers to the accepted practices of a particular community. It encompasses the language, art, norms and the religion of the communities. Communities indulge in diverse activities that contribute to their culture. For example, in China, various cultural ceremonies are practiced that are a symbol of national unity. Religion also contributes to culture. Christianity as a religion has an array of activities and ceremonies that form part of its adherents cultural. On the other hand, Muslim believers regard Eid-Ul-fitr ceremony with remarkable significance. In addition, the dressing code is an important factor in determining the type of culture. Among Turkish youth, the type of clothing is vital to all the age groups. They practice unique dressing codes that have been conserved from one generation to another. The dressing code is also evident among the Muslims where dressing adopted varies with age and sex. Various communities have diverse cultural practices and are identified by their uniqueness. Turkey is an Islamic country that has various cultural practices. This culture has been preserved from time immemorial and is currently rated among the most enduring cultures in the world. Similarly, culture in Turkey is majorly manifested among the youths that are highly valued in the country. This paper analyzes the youth culture in the Turkish society using arrange of resources learned in class and also based on personal reflections.

The Turk nation is predominantly Muslim in terms of religion, and their culture is heavily founded on Muslim ideals. Owing to the strict doctrines of the Muslim faith, the lives of Turkish youths have been shaped to conform to the demands of the Muslim faith. These doctrines have barred and promoted various actions among the youths in Turkey. For example, Muslim doctrines prohibit consumption of alcoholic beverages. This has to a larger extent contributed to the traits of majority of the youths in Turkey, moreover, the results of these doctrines are manifested in the Turkish economy as very few companies operate in alcoholic drinks production. Secondly, the strong Muslim doctrines have barred the consumption of pork products in the country hence dictating the diet of most the youths in the country. These doctrines also played a role in the social life of the Turkish youths.

Two large cultural systems, Christianity and Islam, played a key role in socializing children to the societal norms and values; they also had a significant impact on the experience of childhood. Like Islam, Christianity also discouraged girl-child infanticide, and Christianity provided the first spur for formal schools in many regions in medieval Turkey, though they were not widely acceptable. Islam was the major beneficiary and acceptable religion that spread most of its teachings in many regions of Turkey with a strong emphasis on the desirability of reading and writing/memorizing the holy text, the Qur’an. This had a wide educational impact on children in large cities like Ankara for several centuries.

For example, the Muslim doctrine governed the dress code among the female youths in Turkey besides dictating their social relationships. This became central as it controlled the behaviors and practices of female youths before their marital lives. The Muslim culture among the Turkish youths has remained protected for a long period of time hence depicting the conservatism of the Turkish citizens. This was manifested in the 1970s in Germany during the period of labor immigration. Despite the changes in the environment, the Turkish youths remained conserved to their esteem culture. The Muslim doctrines in the country have also resulted into social disparity among the youths. This is due to the fact that the laws underrate women making them subordinate to men. This has resulted to most Turkish ladies not accessing various national services. For example, among the youths, the number of males educated exceeds that of female youths. This has also been evident in various sectors where male-youths are more favored. In property ownership that was central in the Sharia law, female youths were not entitled to property ownership hence leading inequality among the youths. The Turkish culture has proved to be very influential. This was also vividly depicted in 2008 in Germany when majority of German nationals were converted into the Muslim faith owing to the practices of the Turkish youths in the country.

Citizenship is highly valued within the Turkish culture. It symbolizes a sense of belonging and rightful citizenship as it is depicted through possession of a country’s national identity card. All nationals of Turkey are required by law to be in possession of the national citizenship. This has to a larger extent controlled various activities that individuals within the country indulge in besides dictating the actions of the youths in the country. In terms of political activities, the youths that are not registered as citizens of the country have been barred from taking part in various national activities besides seeking elective positions. This has resulted into most youths seeking to be in possession of the citizenry of the country. Similarly, citizenry has also been vital in the access of educational facilities among the youths. The culture of being in possession of the citizenship of the country has impacted greatly among the youths in Turkey.

Firstly, the youths have had a chance to participate in various pertinent decision making processes in the country like taking part in the voting process. Turkey offers dual citizenship to its nationals. This has been beneficial to the youths since they have accessed various education systems like in Germany besides learning various cultures. Citizenship is critical in the country and is considered as the symbol of Independent Turkish Republic. This has, therefore, to a great extent regulated the practices of the Turkish youths. Through acquiring the citizenship of the country, the youths have been demanded by the law to conform to certain living standards. For example, at the onset of acquiring the citizenship of the country, the youths are demanded to adhere to stipulated laws of the country. This has to a larger extent controlled the practices of the youths as they risk facing legal consequences on the acting contrary to the stipulated law.

Education among the youth in Turkey is of necessity since the youths are viewed to form an integral part of the country. According to Mustafa Kemal, in his speech, the youth is a symbol of national culture and patriotism. This has led to the majority of the youth to access the basic education since it is highly valued and of much precedence. Education among the youths was also regarded as a state project that made it more effective hence leading to the majority of Turkish youths being educated. The strong education that is evident in the country led to various political contributions among the youths in the political field. Various students’ organizations were formed that have contributed to the championing of the rights of the citizens and finally being changed into political organizations.

In 1950s, youth organizations played a key role in creating an atmosphere that resulted into the first intervention of the military in the parliamentary system. The youth activism is strong in Turkey since it emanates from the students’ organizations that are seen to be government sponsored. The strong education system among the youths in Turkey has contributed to the youths rising to the political leadership of the country. In addition, the education sector has contributed to the youths acquiring various arts. Music is common among the youths in Turkey. Songs are performed on various cultural occasions for various reasons. For example, among the youths in Turkey, love songs are common as an expression of love. Similarly, certain religious ceremonies are also associated with particular songs. Music among the youths in Turkey is accompanied by various types of dances that matched with the particular ceremonies.

From the foregoing, it becomes evident that culture among the youths in Turkey plays a vital role in various sectors in the country. In the Turkish economy, various operations are dictated by the Muslim doctrines that are highly valued among the youths of the country. For instance, the doctrines that bar the consumption of alcohol products have been key in the operations of various firms leading to few firms engaging in alcoholic drinks production. The youth also forms the majority of the population; hence most firms have attempted to meet the their needs by conforming to cultural practices. Similarly, religion is vital in determining the culture of a community as it dictates the practices of a community. In the paper, the Muslim doctrines control the property ownership among the youths besides determining the nature of the education system and the social life that the youths should conform to.

Secondly, it also becomes obvious that education is an integral factor in the cultural life. This is depicted in the paper where access to education led to key contributions in various sectors. Through the access of education facilities, various youths got the platforms to champion for their rights through the student organizations. Art is also valued as a central part of the culture. This is manifested among the Turkish youths through the art of music and dance that is common among the youths in the country. In conclusion, it is believed that culture is a unique identity in any community that should be protected.

About the author

Hallie Green is an entrepreneur, blogger, and speechwriter at She is passionate about socializing and dealing with people. She adores participating in webinars and enhancing her knowledge about sociology and psychology.

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