

This is a closed group. You will have to be a member of this group to view the group's content.
  • The Initial Wall Photo is of John and Annie Beatrice Kemp Welch, their children, spouses, and grand children at the time of the photo, taken in Waycross, GA in 1940. This site is established to share Welch and related family stories and photos which tell our history. Please feel free to add your stories and photos that document the addition of members to the family such as marriages, births, importants passages in life, photos of documents from our family history and geanology, such as obituaries, birth announcements, ect.

    If you wish to join this group, please contact:

    Wayne Welch

    Site Administrator

    welch_w@bellsouth.net Phone: 912-856-5658


  • Category
    Family Reunion
  • Created
    Thursday, 22 November 2012
  • Group admin