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  • Each day, thousands of homeless and abandoned animals are euthanized in shelters across the United States. People continue to breed dogs, they do not have their dogs spayed or neutered, or they simply decide to renig on their responsilibity as pet owners. There are puppy mills all over the US. These places provide those cute little doggy in the pet shop window. sadly the parents of those cute little puppies suffer a horrible life: never knowing a loving hand, never having a toy, never going for a walk or ride in the car, often left in their own waste with little food or water. It's a sad fact, but it happens EVERYWHERE! I was involved with rescue for over 3 years. I fostered over 20 dogs and adopted 3 of my foster dogs. The best way to get the word out is to share it with your friends. Watch a video of a raid on a puppy mill(they are all over you tube). I never knew these places existed until I started rescuing dogs, now I will never be able to forget how awful they are. This group is for anyone that volunteers for a rescue, has adopted a shelter or rescue dog, or simply wants to raise public awareness about rescue and adoption.
  • Category
  • Created
    Thursday, 07 June 2012
  • Group admin
    Deborah Ann Ashbaugh