At the top of the list of a rew people who made me feel special are my new cousins. I have met them here and there through my Genealogy work. I have known three of my new cousins now for about 2-3 years. But they all make me feel special. They...
( (Hal Melanson, Anne Grant, Harold "Mickey" and Eleanor "Dusty" Melanson) If I had no problem with time, talent or money... I would gather all the children the world cast aside And shower them with Love and help build up their pride. I would buy a big farm With animals,...
My Dream of Cheryl By Anita A. Chambers I met Cheryl Ann Posey (later to become Hemingway) in about 1974 when we were both single teens not too far out of high school. Cheryl was raised a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and I joined...
Bill has always had friends and in this story he talks about the important people in his life, his friends. A schoolteacher - George Williams - and the two friends he went sailing with every Saturday in summer for 25 years.
PERSPECTIVE We have reached an apex of history which will never be understood by future generations. The disintegration of the Communist block of nations may continue until they are forgotten, a concept this generation finds unimaginable, but which is true, non-the-less. Communism may become forgotten. Incredible. The...
Written by Marva Twitchell Davis The building has the year 1901 on it and was built as the Town Hall. It is made of light brick and red sandstone. The red sandstone was hauled from Spanish Fork Canyon. The outside walls are made of one brick and two adobe. The divided...
Hi Friends of Legacy, This story was contributed by Tom Cordle, author and songwriter. I asked him to write a press article related to our January Theme which was "Turning over a new leaf". I wasn't expecting to be included in the article but his angle was creative and I think...
Now that 2012 is becoming a distant memory I will undoubtedly forget much of what happened as time rolls on. So, I thought I'd write some random thoughts while they are fresh on my mind. The biggest elephant in the room for me has been the all-consuming challenge of building the...
After their wedding, Annette and Gerry begin married life in their home in Watson, South Australia, on the Nullabor Plain. The home had large rooms and they decorated and made it their own. In 1970 their first daughter was born and Annette had to make a decision about whether to stay...
Joyce met Ted when they were both members of the CMS and partnered him to the CMS Ball. The friendship and courtship gradually grew. And all was going along comfortably until Joyce was accepted into the Women's Police Force in June 1959. When she told Ted he went very quiet and...
Ruth and her husband often visited Mrs Barnes, widow of George Barnes of Port Broughton. Mrs. Barnes' house was filled with wonderful furniture and brick-a-brack, which was much admired by Ruth's husband. Ruth's amusing story leads us to the deceased estate auction after Mrs Barnes' death, where their expectations of acquiring...
Judith was asked by her parents to return to Brisbane from Canberra just before her 21st birthday. She celebrated her 21st birthday with family and friends. Her mother arranged the catering and made the birthday cake. On her return to Brisbane, Judith worked in the Department of Air and flatted in...
Judith shares with us a very poignant story of her first love - a young boy named Geoff who she shared her life with from a very early age until she was 7 years old. His family moved away, but he came back into her life as a close friend when...
Joyce tells us how she went to dances and balls as a young teenager in the early 1950's, and socialised with sailors who were on shore leave. She corresponded with Peter from Surrey for 5 years after meeting him at a dance. She also went on holidays to Perth where she...
Jill tells about the fashions in the 1950's while she was growing up. She liked to wear very full skirts gathered at the waist with lots of petticoats. One of her favourite outfits was a black watch tartan skirt with black stockings and pointy toed shoes. Bikinis were in fashion and...
On the road to becoming a Private Pilot there were three “gates” through which I had to pass. One was guarded by a medical doctor, the other two by a pilot. The medical doctor was obviously a man who clearly looked upon people who wanted to learn how to fly an...
Judith joined the Department of Air in Queensland in 1966 and soon after joined the Federated Clerks' Union. She shared a flat at Wiindsor initially with her brother and two of his friends, and after they left she then shared with 2 hairdressing apprentices, one of who remains a close friend...
Ruth's interests as a young adult included ten pin bowling, ice skating and going to the beach. She was a member of Legacy and met her friends mainly through her church. Her interests were embroidery, crochet and different crafts. Endless Summer was one of her favourite movies. She is still in...
Jill was living in Clare South Australia when she was a teenager and her interests were table tennis and tennis and going to local balls and dances in Clare and Jamestown. She tells us about moving to Adelaide and finding the right place to board and going to dances at Burnside...
Margaret tells us that she didn't have many days off while working for her father in 1943, however she and her sister were silver medallist dancers and attended the school dances (even though they had left school). They also went for walks and did a lot of reading. When she joined...