Essays, Stories, Adventures, Dreams Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Back to Tan Son Nhut, in a Dream Another dream, another chronicle eeked out about those unforgettable years during the Viet Nam War. The ten days that Footloose Forester spent sleeping under his desk at Tan Son...
Bill Corey was one of the veterans chosen to return to El Alamein on the occasion of the 70th anniverary of the battle that hepled turned the tide of World War Two. Prior to Alamein the Germans had nover lost and they desperately wanted to get control of the Suez Canal....
Once upon a time, when I did what real men do, I was a Cobra (gunship) pilot. And I was driving back from an airfield where I was the safety officer in charge of some REAL cosmic stuff, and I noticed a pilot walking along,...
PERSPECTIVE We have reached an apex of history which will never be understood by future generations. The disintegration of the Communist block of nations may continue until they are forgotten, a concept this generation finds unimaginable, but which is true, non-the-less. Communism may become forgotten. Incredible. The...
On Getting The Right Attitude ... No one can make you happy, or unhappy. You may become that way, but trust me, 95% of the time, you will shape your happiness with your attitude. And it is only a matter of convenience just how offended you can be about...
Oh @%+*&! (Darn!!) Engine Failure in the Dark Once, in 1984… just north of a little place called Badger Gap… near Yakima, Washington, I had an engine failure. At night. I got real scared. It is embarrassing to tell you just how scared a man can be and still maintain...
This picture of my father, Harold Joseph Bennett was taken on an unknown island in the South Pacific while he was serving in World War II. It dates from about 1944. He enlisted into the SeaBees right after graduation from High School in June 1943. Daddy used to tell us about...
Bill has just returned from a visit to El Alamein to mark the 70th anniversary of the battle that changed the war in the Western Desert. Bill, along with fellow veterans from Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and South Africa, revisited the scene of the battle and this story is a...
Joyce joined the Citizens Military Force, Royal Australian Nursing Corp in 1958 and there she met her future husband, Ted. But what about the special date when he arrived smelling strongly of beer!! And he was a teetotaller!
Bills talks about his long service in the Infantry during the Second World War, serving in Tobruk, Libya, Alemain, New Guinea and Borneo. He also tells us how the War dominates his thoughts as he gets older.
Margaret talks about being paid 5 shillings per week when she worked for her father in the early 1940's. When she joined the WRENS in 1943 she was paid 16 shillings per week and her 1st uniform was provided. Her parents gave her a 'best' suit for Xmas and she describes...
Margaret talks about joining the Wren's, her initial training period and her posting to the small village of Eglington. She was a Signal Messenger, delivering messages by car and bike. Her most memorable delivery was to a young man who at the end of the shift refused to sign for the...
The AIF Project Home | Search | About | Disclaimer John Birmingham SPELLS Regimental number 508 Religion Roman Catholic Occupation Agent Address Burra Street, Port Wakefield, South Australia Marital status Single Age at embarkation 21 Next of kin Mother, Mrs. Capt. Spells, Burra Street, Port Watkefield, South Australia Enlistment date...