Henry Mosley - updated group, Useful Communication Blogs
How to motivate yourself properly in today's world
We have to think about what meditation is, and then we have to figure out what motivates our children to do what we want them to do and what we need them to do. Meditation is not just a technique, it is a way of being. When you are dealing with children, you may want to calm your chaotic mind and it will help you cope with the daily routine of parenting. Meditation is not a way to control your thoughts. You can use a Shagle app to help you take control by communicating with more experienced people or to start believing in yourself. Meditation is an internal gesture that awakens the heart and mind to present awareness, regardless of what is happening around them?
Through meditation, we can relax our mind and body and allow ourselves to listen to the voices around us. Can you hear what your children are saying? Can you read their body language or their eyes? By becoming more attuned to your inner self, you will be better able to hear what the people around you are thinking and feeling. This in turn will allow you to understand what motivates your child most to get you to do what you want them to do.
What motivates your children? It depends on the child
What works for one may not work for their sibling. My children were motivated by praise. The better they behaved or the better they did in school, the more I praised them. Negative talk is not motivating. Can you find something to praise them for; did they stand up twice without warning? It's praise time. Did they bring home a good report card? Again, it's praise time. You will soon find out when praise can be used as motivation.
Another motivating factor is letting them work towards a goal. Is there something specific they want? Is there an area that needs improvement? Set a goal and let them work towards that goal to get that special thing they have chosen. My granddaughter's goal is to buy a guitar. Every time he gets a good report card, he gets a cash reward for every good grade. He also gets pocket money that he has to earn. His goal is to do all the chores so he can earn his entire allowance, not just part of it.
Motivation to do homework is a really big problem in some homes
How do you motivate your children to do their homework? Do you tell them that when they have done their homework they can play with their friends? Talk on the phone? Maybe play video games? Again, this is different for every child. One of my sons had to do his homework before he could eat his afternoon snack. This was a big motivation for him because he loved his afternoon snack.
The school and public library have a great motivational program to encourage students to read books. This was not usually a problem for us as both my children loved to read, but in the summer when they received McDonald's vouchers for reading, it motivated them to read even more! One year they had tickets to the neighborhood softball team. For the girls, it was something different that they enjoyed.
One of the best parts of my older son's school years was when he got to earn dollars to spend at the school store. Parents would donate items or buy small prizes from a wholesaler. The goods were not big. However, there was at least one large item. This gave them an extra incentive to do extra work to earn more dollars and eventually win a grand prize. It was the best year for my son because he got paid for his behavior, doing homework, staying quiet in class, and reading books. He deserved the big prize.
Meditation and motivation can go hand in hand when it comes to your children. Meditate on what you want your children to do, how you want them to behave, and how you want to enhance their learning. By being more open to them, you will see in which areas they can be easily motivated.
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Henry Mosley