At times the tyranny of the urgent bullies its way to the top of the daily to-do list extinguishing even the most rudimentary kindness. Indeed, in our desire to conquer our categorized index of mandatory responsibilities, we often leave little room for even the most basic regard for the people in...
"I don't like it here!" declares Dana*, her measured pacing keeping tempo with her anxious words, "I want to go back to the other place?" I'm confused. It's not unusual for Dana to feel restless toward the evening hours, but this is mid-afternoon. "What other place, Miss Dana? This is where...
Like water to the thirsty is laughter to my soul. Without it I would shrivel and die. Life is heavy; times are hard. A hearty laugh lifts the spirit, lightens the load, breathes courage to a fainting heart. It's been said by some unidentified jolly soul that, "Laughter is a tranquilizer...
"Help. Help! Help!!" Like fingernails on a chalkboard his cry unnerves me. It's unrelenting, insistent, demanding. It requires a response but I don't know what that response should be. From the desk where I answer phones and direct resident traffic I can see that he is warm and dry, as comfortable...
It's been said, "I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time." On Tuesday I will be 55. Today I learned how to smoke. It's not like I woke up this morning and thought, Hmmm what vice can I add to my...
Down loaded a free 14 day copy of "iremember" for mac. Graphics are nice. I also would like to try some of the vivid 3d images. For this first try: * picked a background * added photo * added text box and story * add title Elementary,...
Making Scones Grandma Jessie Wallace kept turkeys on the farm as she claimed they were an excellent warning system. Whenever a visitor's car turned off the Beachmere Road, onto the rough, corrugated, sandy track to the house, the turkeys started making their distinctive gobbling sound. This was the signal for Nan...
If I had only one day left to live, I would wish to spend that time with my children. I'd take them to a park, spread a blanket on the ground and have a heart to heart with each of them. It is important to me that I share things such...
David came up to me as I was on the computer working on a Heritage Makers project. In his sweet, two-year-old voice he asked, "Where's David's book?" The next day we started taking pictures of David doing the things he likes to do. The park was our first stop. Soon we had...
Being brought up in a home with eleven other voices, I sometimes felt like mine didn't matter. I'm sure we've probably all felt like that at times. Some of us may have reacted in anger, some in bitterness and others still with little or no reaction at all. Unfortunately, I was...
Jackie often told me that my little brown rocking chair was her little red rocking chair first. Then out of the blue Aunt Roberta started talking about Margaret's little rocking chair that she was so stingy about letting any one sit in. That confirmed it for me that my little red...
I've often wondered why such strange things happen to me. Sure, I know sometimes I can bring them on myself, but there are those things that happen "just because." Here's a little story about one of those times. When my daughter, Heather, was in her first year of high school,...
My son Justin has been battling Alopecia Areota; which is a hair loss, since he was four years old. He is now 17. We first realized this problem after Justin attempted to cut his own hair. Due to the "creative hairstyle" he chose for himself, expert help was needed. At the barber shop,...
Stacy has been taking piano lessons for one year. On March 3, 2009 she particpated in the Gold Cup Festival hosted by the National Federation of Music, Conroe Chapter. Stacy memorized her two solos and performed them for a judge. She received a Superior Rating (5 points). Good job Stacy! ...
Alysia has been playing piano for a few years. On March 3, 2009 she participated in the Gold Cup Festival hosted by the National Federation of Music, Conroe Chapter. This is her second year participating. She did very well and earned the highest mark possible, a Superior, worth 5 points. Next...
Although I have collected family stories all of my life, I have only been involved with writing stories since the mid 1980\'s, around the time I started making patchwork quilts. My 2 children watched in amazement as I cut up pieces of fabric into tiny shapes and carefully, lovingly stitched the...
The older I get, the more I enjoy warm weather. It's amazing how the sun has such a therapeutic effect on what lies deep beneath the skin. Oh, I can perspire along with the best of them when I'm cleaning a bath tub or just climbing two flights of stairs, but that's different. I'm...
Ronald Stephens, Uncle Johnnie's baby boy (correction-Until William). The "I love my family gene" has shown up in Ron. He is the person everyone in the family knows because he makes it his business to connect with them. In this way, he is very much like Grandmother. He is very proud...
Okay, so you've been introduced to my son at 3-years old. At least you think you've been introduced. Actually, you have only seen him from a distance. It's time you come inside our home and meet him up close and personal. </div> For most of us 5:30 a.m. is a time...