It Will All Work Out As Long As....
March 25, 2012. I receive a story prompt from Legacy Stories about my predictions for the future. My thoughts begin to swirl as I think through the infinite possibilities. I dare to write so my thoughts become anchored in time. If I believe in my opinions then this is a way to be humbled by how little I really know. Of course, all of the following predictions assume we have not blown ourselves up because of trigger happy world leaders flexing their ignorant nuclear fingers. So, here is what I think will happen in the future:
2013: An new era of politics begins now that the election is over. Regardless of the outcome the people will not stand for money and politics any more after being beaten to a pulp by the enormity of negative ads that have ripped our nation apart to the point of complete disgust. Removing money from politics takes center stage with huge waves of demonstrations.Accountability is the new norm.
2030: All major diseases are cured. The new threat is the ineffectiveness of antibiotics to control the spread of viruses. People are now able to live into their 100's as naturally as today's 80's. Education has been completely reformed. Rote teaching is no longer the norm, nor are bricks and mortar schools except for special needs. Technology provides instant learning and comprehension once a foundation of reading, writing and arithmetic has been established. No longer will students be taught in generalized groups. Technological advances can now accurately determine a student's natural born talents early on and education is delivered to groups formed by those talents.
2050: Breakthroughs in mind expansion now give humans the ability to utilize over 50% of their brain power vs. today's less than 10%. This causes tremendous advances in technology, bioscience and space travel but also causes a dramatic rise in deviant intelligence with diabolical schemes and abuses of new technologies that are unheard of today.
2075: Organ reproduction is as routine as today's cosmetic dentistry and so with a single cell sample any organ can be grown to replace one's own ailing heart, lungs, bones, legs, arms fingers, etc. Everything except the brain is replaceable within 6 months from sampling. This leads to an enormous spike in population as people can live well into their 150's. There are now 15 billion people on earth and it becomes clear the vast universe of stars and planets were meant to be inhabited by the inevitable lack of space on any one ecosystem. Technology has saved the earth from environmental ruin but still hasn't solved the depleted food supply with enough synthetics.
2100: The brain can now be regenerated to perfect health in all areas taking advantage of the full 80% of available power. Now it is possible to physically achieve immortality which raises a whole new conversation about faith, heaven and religion.
2020: With advanced technology ntelligent life has been detected and proven to exist. All citizens of earth unite for the first time on the same team. With over 25 billion people on earth and 10 billion living on other planets a coordinated effort is made to determine the best way to engage with aliens. Do we welcome them with open arms in hopes of coexisting peacefully or do we put up our defenses and prepare for the end of the world as we know it? Fortunately, because of advances in brain power we are not limited by physical travel any more. Now we can rearrange molecules at the nano level and transport humanity en masse to other planets safely and in seconds.
More predictions later
About the author
Comments 5
,,,,,,and people accuse me of being a dreamer. Well done Tom! In some ways I hope you are right and in others I hope I don't live long enough to find out.
You've given us lots to think about!!
How wonderful it will be if even some of your predictions come true!
Wow such intense thinking and predicting! It sounds like a wonderful series of the Twilight Zone. Each prediction could be expounded upon in depth. Great summation!
Salom! mostbet aviator o'yinida o'ynashning tajribasini o'rganmoqchiman. Bu o'yinda muvaffaqiyat qozonish uchun to'g'ri strategiya juda muhimdir. Men samolyot uchib ketishidan oldin tugalda yechib olishni afzal ko'raman. Yutuqlarimni ko'paytirish uchun sabr bilan kutaman. Bu o'yin kuchli xotira va strategiyani talab qiladi. Men o'z yutuqlarimni qayd etishga harakat qilaman, chunki bu menga kelajakda yaxshiroq kararlar qabul qilishga yordam beradi. Sizning bunday strategiyalaringiz bormi?