Module 1- Mission and Roles



Click on the black tab in the center of the flip book to view in full screen. 

Living Legacy Project

Preserving Vintage Photos & Media

Preserving Keepsakes and Heirlooms

Download Videos

As an I-ASK CLA, you can use any of these videos for legacy education and awareness purposes. Having these video presentations incuded in your marketing startegy is worth the price of I-ASK membership all by themselves.

The Living Legacy Project presentation video is a fantastic icebreaker and because you open up the dialog by representing a Project rather than a product, the prospect's guard will fade and a genuine discussion can begin. The photos and keepsakes videos are perfect to use as follow up presentations, if time allows. Click the links below to download the videos.

Preserving Photos and Media

Preserving Keepsakes and Heirlooms

Follow these instructions to download the videos


Module 1 Quiz

Copy and paste the quiz questions and your answers into an email and send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Include your first and last name.

1. There are 4 marketing elements that can position you for maximum growth. They are:

a. The Living Legacy Project

b. The I-ASK  Network

c. LegacyStories.Org

d. Pict-Oral Memoirs

True ____________  False ___________


2. The role of the Certified Legacy Advisor is to assist clients with any legacy-related needs by doing the work yourself or referring the work to an established network of heritage professionals.

True ___________  False _________




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Module 3- Pict-Oral Recording Techniques
On A Mini-Tour, Seeking His Roots