Essays, Stories, Adventures, Dreams Chronicles of a Footloose Forester B y Dick Pellek The A-Frame In recent years the branch of agricultural science known as agroforestry has become more popular around the world. The appeal of agroforestry is more pronounced in Third World countries where family farms and...
At the top of the list of a rew people who made me feel special are my new cousins. I have met them here and there through my Genealogy work. I have known three of my new cousins now for about 2-3 years. But they all make me feel special. They...
It was April 1954 and Don had just arrived home from a 3-year stint in Europe as an Army PFC. He had been lucky--of the 1000 men in his group, 800 went to Korea and he spent the entire 2 years in Salzburg as acting sergeant in charge of the...
On Soaring with the Eagles … Okay, the dang kid was… Well, he was sort of a jerk, actually. For years. And he was always very...
Oh @%+*&! (Darn!!) Engine Failure in the Dark Once, in 1984… just north of a little place called Badger Gap… near Yakima, Washington, I had an engine failure. At night. I got real scared. It is embarrassing to tell you just how scared a man can be and still maintain...
In the 1940 United States Federal Census,almost one year before the birth of Michael J. McLatchy, the residence and family makeup of the Frank B. McLatchy family is enumerated. Frank was working in solicitation at KSL Radio station at this time. This would have put him on the streets of...
Ever since I can remember, I have been interested in writing. As a teenager, I would stay up late at night writing poems and stories while the rest of the family was sleeping. Since I shared a room with my sister and could not leave the light on, I would sit...
How far in the past does an event have to have occurred before it can be called “history?” I have no idea. But as for a man’s personal life and times it seems reasonable to say that the day he becomes an octogenarian he can be forgiven if he looks back...
For our 25 year wedding anniversary, I surprised Byron with a trip to Asheville, NC for a two night stay at the Biltmore House. Our anniversary is December 31st. When we arrived, we were treated like royality. We decided we wanted something to eat but not a full meal so we...
[While I was serving my mission in The Netherlands, I received a letter dated 17 Dec 1964 from my grandfather's niece (my cousin, Ardes Adams) which read: ". . . We expect a big day on your grandpa's birthday. . . . Your mother and I wrote a ditty about him...
The Payson Chronicle came out with a news article "Golden Adams Now a Certified Legacy Advisor" today, 19 Sep 2012. Along with the article is a photo of me holding the new "Legacy Matters" Program launced earlier this month. It will be interesting to see if I have any contacts as...
On the road to becoming a Private Pilot there were three “gates” through which I had to pass. One was guarded by a medical doctor, the other two by a pilot. The medical doctor was obviously a man who clearly looked upon people who wanted to learn how to fly an...
Jill talks about the many interests she has enjoyed over her life. First and foremost are her husband, four children and grandchildren, Other interests include, reading, jigsaw puzzles and her travels to Hong Kong, China, USA and Thailand and other interesting places. Jill also tells us about the significant work...
On the road… again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek The RT Probe When we finally decided that clam hunting was going to be a steady part of our future lives, Thu and the Footloose Forester decided that one Hawaiian Sling was not enough to...
On the road …again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek T for Turkey Footloose Forester had a special interest in Turkey because he knew several people who were posted there as Peace Corps Volunteers. The Turkey volunteers had lived and trained with the Pakistan Foresters...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek A Quick Stroll Around Four States It was not a stroll around the block…it was a circular promenade at the perimeters of four states. At Four Corners, the intersection point of Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New...
On the road… again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Zebra Amber Many times we all take things for granted. Being comfortable with one’s personal ignorance is a way to cope, so although we strive to know what is going on, or knowing...
On the road …again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek G for Greece Greece was on his bucket list of places to see well before the popular concept of “things to do and things to see before one kicks the bucket” was made into a...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Canyon on the Feather River Of several trips to the large property on the Feather River, one of them turned into a real adventure. A land owner wanted his square mile of land...
On the road… again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Horses and Mules Once in a while making a trip by horseback was preferable to walking, but not always. The Footloose Forester was only a sometimes rider, so never got comfortable enough around horses...