Rebecca Robinson Discussion started by Rebecca Robinson, on Thursday, 19 September 2013 23:32

Not exactly true in the heading. I won't be on vacation but I'll be at my parent's ocean side house for a week while we transition from moving to BC from Ontario. After a month of mayhem and packing and final house sale details I am fried and all I want to do is read on their deck. 

Does anyone have a good book recommendation for a tired soul looking for something with great characters. I have Ken Follet's (Fall of Giants I think it's called)new one just in case but any tips would help! 

Can you include what it's about in general without giving it away of course. ;)


Deborah Tomasetti Perham
Deborah Tomasetti Perham Wishing you an easy move! Exciting times ahead. I'm sure you have little time for reading now with the mayhem of unpacking...but anything by Ken... Show more Monday, 30 September 2013 15:53