For as far as I can collect my thoughts, I can remember that I went to kindergarten. In the winter when the snow was deep, my father took me to school in a sled; one of the old-fashioned kind. A little stove was put in the sled to keep my feet...
History of Sanpete & Emery Counties ; pg. 165, BYU 979.256 NIELSON, JOHN R. , shoemaker, son of Neils and Karen, was born in Norway March 23, 1854. He served an apprenticeship of three and a half years and learned his trade in Norway. Joined the Mormon Church in 1875 and...
This information was written by David grandson of Mary. He is the son of Mary's only daughter Ada Elizabeth. This was written October 2012. His statement "The story may not be the gospel truth in all aspects, but it is the best I can do from what I can remember (and...
This was written by my mother Verna Maurine Brown Malm-April 20, 1956 My name is Verna Maurine Brown. I was born December 3, 1902 in a house on Bellvue Street in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. As a baby we moved to 449 East 6th South, same city, county,...
Samuel Vernon Brown, my grandfather, was born 26 July 1878 in Salt Lake City, Utah. He was the son of John Brown and Eleanor Caffall, his 2nd wife. He was known to most everyone as Vern Brown. He lived the greater part of his life in the Ninth Ward of Liberty...
John Brown helped Brigham Young build the Gardo House. Endowments were done in this house before the Salt Lake Temple was completed. It later became the home of Amelia Folsom Young. John Brown's first wife was Sarah. They had a son Lorenzo John Brown. John Brown's second wife was Eleanor....
The following account was written before April 1925-Author Unknown. John Brown was my Great Grandfather on my Mother's side. John Brown, son of William & Elizabeth Illman Brown was born on November 26, 1831 at Staffas Wood Parish of Lympsfield in the County of Surry, England. When a boy he...
Eliza Hugentobler, my Grandmother, was born 14 April 1879 in Richfield, Sevier County, Utah. She was the daughter of Johann Jakob Hugentober and Elisabetha Staheli. Her parents were born in Switzerland. They joined the LDS Church in 1861. Her father sold his birthright to obtain money to come to the United...
I have heard many people say the ramifications of this year’s presidential election (2012) will rival that of the 1860 presidential election. The United States presidential election of 1860 set the stage for the American Civil War. The nation had been divided throughout most of the 1850s on questions of states'...
Prompt: Share a story where the conclusion of your search totally surprised you after believing otherwise. “My maternal great grandparents Folkert Teunis Folkers and Hilje Mulder were both orphans and the records of the orphanage were destroyed, so we haven’t been able to trace the family tree earlier than their personal...
Dick Whaley born April 1,1929. This is a picture of Dick when he became EXO of , He spent 30 years in the US Navy, He retired in He enlisted as a boot seaman, became a Chief and then was commissioned as an officer, and without getting a college...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek We Built It…..We The People It’s regrettable that politics has to be so partisan. On the one hand, the concept of partisanship is the engine that drives the development of political platforms by which voters can...
This weeks question is: What did your Grandparents do for a living? My maternal Grandfather is Parnell Julian Smeby. In the1930 census at the age of 26 he is listed as a Barber. Later he farmed in Hickson, ND for about 24 years. He then moved to Nielsville, MN and then...
This week's story prompt asks about activities we remember doing with our maternal grandparents. I've written about this before in different ways but despite my mother's disdain for her father my memories have all be find of Gammie and even fonder of nana, my grandmother and grandfather on Mom's side. Nan...
My Memories of Grandma Lucy by Karen Blackham Mack Lucy Draper Blackham Born March 27, 1889 - Died 26 February 1974 (almost 85) It’s funny the memories that you have, but I remember this incident like it happened yesterday . My earliest memory of Grandma Lucy was when I...
My Grandfather and Grandmother Ernest Theron Blackham & Lucy Draper Blackham Ernest (56yrs) - Born May 4, 1888 in Moroni, Utah. Died Aug. 23, 1944 - ( farm accident) Lucy (almost 85) - Born March 27, 1889 - Died 26 February 1974 Ernest had five brothers and give sisters. He...
Vawn Blackham Guymon Born 20 Sep 1914 – Died 3 May 1992 All of my Aunts and Uncles were favorites each in their own ways. One that I’d like to share with you at this time is Aunt Vawn – (my Dad’s sister). She was so much fun. At one...
Henry Pineau could do everything well. He played semi pro baseball and was a fantastic golfer. He was about as handy as a man could be and succeeded at most of his bright ideas. Henry was my Grandfather, my mother's father. We called him, "Gammie." I remember as a child going...
I received a package in the mail at Christmas when I was about ten years old. After gently removing the brown mailing paper on the outside, then pulling off the lovely wrapping paper on the inside, I dug through the layers of tissue. There I found the most beautiful, albeit totally...
I wish I knew my grandparents better before they passed. What I know of them comes from a few visits as a child and conversations with my parents. Genealogists are often surprised by their discoveries about past family members. But what will my descendants be surprised to know about me? That...