It was the age of family entertainment through variety shows: Ed Sullivan, Carol Burnett, Lawrence Welk. Dad purchased replacement tubes when one blew on our television, which he called: "the idiot box." We were a family of eleven, and we always had an idiot box. The screen protruded from a...
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When I was 5 years old, my family and I lived on Post, as they say in the Army, in Arlington, VA. This was my first memory of living on Post, as I was the youngest of 4 girls. I really loved having so many kids available whenever there was playtime...
Let me take you on a summer ride in the countryside. Imagine traveling down narrow roads that roll up and down green hills and snake along blind and winding turns. Picture passing cow pastures, corn and soybean fields, majestic horse farms and sweeping thickets of old, deciduous forest. Maybe you occasionally...
Our big family of 10 kids squeezed into the smallest house in the neighborhood on Rockland Street. Dad continually added on to the little house as each new child was born. One of Mum's greatest dreams was to have a home that was finished. That wasn't ever going to happen on...
As I look back on the year 1947, I now realize it was one of those important years. The main event took place January 11th when I became a big sister to my brother Jim. Yesterday happens to have been my brother's 67th birthday! On that Saturday morning 67...
Marie Played Baseball Contributed By Jay L Young In the sixth grade we played baseball with a mixed team, and we would go to different schools on Friday afternoon on a hay rack pulled behind a tractor or car. We played Happy Valley-Bennett-Scism-Melba-Glendale-Greenhurst. Then they would also come to Bowmont. We...
Toys I don’t remember any toys I had when I was very small. There are pictures of me holding a poor stuffed giraffe by the neck. Karen and I usually got our toys at Christmas. I don’t remember either of us getting a toy as a birthday present or at...
Birth I was born October 29, 1941 to Ted Lane Satterfield and Alma Lou Strickland Satterfield. My older sisters were Alma Elaine Satterfield and Joyce Angeline Satterfield. My younger sister, born in 1944, was Karen Elizabeth Satterfield. (More about them later). The hospital where I was born, St. Luke's on the...
It was April 2, 1961 -- Easter Sunday. The tradition was to go to my father's parents for Easter supper, about 30 miles to the north in Grafton, North Dakota. However, my mother was nine months pregnant with child number 6, and the hospital where she was scheduled to deliver was...
Grocery shopping with Mother and Daddy was pretty interesting. We shopped on Friday evening because Friday was pay day. I guess it began on Thursday night when we had leftovers for supper, both to pare down the contents of the refrigerator and to avoid waste. Then on Friday morning Mother defrosted and cleaned...
It was planting time again and I had been thinking long and hard in response to Papa's question, "Sissy, what do you want to plant in the garden this year?" We were going shopping for seeds on Saturday and I knew now exactly what I was going to buy. Papa...
727 McIndoe Street: Dinon's Wausau home (Present day: Google Maps Street View) It was the Spring of 1942 when the Boyer family moved 1,200 miles from Nahant, MA to Wausau, WI. My grandfather, Dinon, was 10 years old at the time, and lived with his family in a huge white...
In the Spring of 1942, just a few short months after Pearl Harbor, my 10-year-old grandfather and his family moved 1,200 miles from Nahant, MA to Wausau, WI. His parents, my great-grandparents Ralph and Babe, had taken on a lot more responsibility in the 12 years since their 1930 marriage....
We were still living in Florida when Dennis and I went down to the Ditch to go fishing. Dennis was in Kindergarten and we would go after he got home from school. He only went to school for half a day so it must have been Kindergarten. We were not supposed...
I didn't think so at the time but my life was truly blessed as a child. My brother and I ran away, I was 12 and he was 14. We lived in Port Jefferson, NY above a little grocery store. On my way to school each morning I would tear a...
We lived in Florida in another trailer park when I was about 7 or 8 years old. After school we played King of the Mountain, Cops and Robbers, Hide and Seek. We stayed out until it started to get dark. One of the teenage girls in the park referred to her parents as Sir...
When Dennis was in Kindergarten we lived in a trailer park in Florida. I played with a little girl that had "Shirley Temple" curls. Oh how I wanted curly hair. Everyday her Mom would comb out each curl one at a time. I used to think how fun that must be. ...
My first day of school was a little traumatic. We were living with the family that had a dog with different color eyes. They were an older couple. The lady peeled potatoes every afternoon. She would open a brown paper bag and spread it out on the table. Then she would...
My earliest childhood memory is being in a hospital. My mother had gone away on a trip with one of her boyfriends. I was with a sitter and ended up with a severe case of meloncoly, otherwise known as depression in children. I ended up in the hospital for two and a half months....
On the first day of 1942, my great-grandfather, Ralph Boyer, was living in Nahant, MA with his two young sons and pregnant wife, Babe. Three weeks before, Pearl Harbor had been bombed and the United States had declared war. By the spring of 1942, Ralph had accepted a new job...