Celebrating milestones in corporate culture has evolved to be a vital activity for enhancing employee involvement and morale. Among these milestones, the work anniversary has a special place since it reflects loyalty, commitment, and professional growth. Traditionally marked on paper cards, plaques, or celebratory events, work anniversaries have evolved to join...
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On the road…again!!! Essays, Stories, Adventures, Dreams Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek On Empathy As the Footloose Forester was describing the routing of his bucket-list road trip to Eastern Europe, his small audience of three listened politely. When he mentioned Auschwitz, Poland; and at that very moment,...
On the road...again!!! Essays, Stories, Adventures, Dreams Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Muscle Man Upon waking, the Footloose Forester often contemplates if and how he will start a chronicle story from his mélange of snippet memories of his life On the road…again!!! As serendipity would...
On the road…again!!! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek The Durian Express On the road again…!!! is an appropriate place to be when the mission is all about the Durian Express. You see, the durian fruit grown in SE Asia and marketed in some...
As I pedaled up I saw her sprawled out on the ground. She had lost her balance and fallen off her bicycle. Her knee was skinned very badly and her arm was cut. We asked her to let us call someone to come pick her up. She steadfastly refused. She had...
It was fun seeing Christian on the Big Screen at Brenden Theatres towards the end of his 7th grade year (Spring of 2016) as the teams of kids in Video Production at Diablo View Middle School Showcased their year of hard work. Great ingenuity and so much fun to watch. Double...
What Can I Give Him? Christmas Eve: Circa 1934 A Country Church Jack and Shug Carriker, their six kids packed into their old 1928 Star Car, pulled into the bare dirt parking lot of a little church located in the countryside about halfway between Drumright and Oilton, Oklahoma. ...
Though I am dog tired from a day trip to Virginia to check on my 90-year-old Aunt Eunice, I want to share with you an amazing instance of synchronicity (if such be a word). I made the trip from Ohio for the nursing home’s Christmas Party today. Here is...
The Merry Cherry Farm, Williamston, North Carolina The green John Deere tractor coughs to life like a prehistoric animal awakening from a dormant winter. Its long, pipe-like nostril sends smoke out the metallic lid, creating a faint ding, ding, ding that can be heard from the sleeping windows of the...
Passages: Large families: Thanksgivings. Many years of lots of noise, Lots of family around - conversations solving world's problems - crowded house - seated cheek to cheek around a large table with a "children's" table off to the side. Years pass. Those children who were seated off to one side or...
Chapt 9 1987-1994 Columbus Ohio The next 8 years of 1987 through 1995 marked a new period for us as I finished my graduate work at Ohio State University and expanded my music teaching from a part time avocation to...
CHAPT 8 1978-1986 Columbus, Ohio These years were the most difficult period for our family in so many ways. There certainly were positive things that happened along the way, but it was also a period of many challenges, the likes of which we had never experienced as a family before. In...
Chapt 7 1972-1978 Columbus, Ohio As I began to record this entry for the period of our lives between 1972 and 1978, it seems like it was just yesterday! Yet, now at our...
Chapt 6 1968-1971 At Home in Devonshire Subdivision, Columbus, Ohio In 1967 Keith and I, now in our thirties, were so happy! We had a beautiful house in Columbus, Ohio with three children and our first foster daughter too. Keith’s job at OSU was exactly...
From my birth until I was 18 I always lived next door to my mothers parents and brother and sister. Starting in Bronx, NY and including our move out to Tucson, AZ I always had a large family looking after me.
On the road…again!!! Essays, Stories, Adventures, Dreams Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek In Flanders Fields the Poppies Grow Of the many poems that haunted his imagination from grammar school, the one about a field of poppies in Ypres, Belgium had enough staying power to remain as a...
Life is made up of achievement, failure, frustration, fulfillment, ecstasy and agony: and in my 84 years I have both sampled and sometimes dwelled too long in every one of them. That is as it should be. I would find it impossible to say which among the thousands of joyful moments,...
Resting inconspicuously in my kitchen cupboard sits a small white bowl. It isn’t an original. It’s a substitute, a clone. The original disappeared long ago, either in pieces in a trash can or simply vanished as things do over the course of a long life. Being well-acquainted with the owner of...
The 21 st birthday of a man’s oldest son begs for significant celebration. This story relates how my oldest son and I celbrated his "coming of age" birthday. He didn’t enjoy flying and water sports had never appealed to him, so in a magnificent display of non sequitur thinking I decided...
My father, James K (Jim) Long, never met a stranger. To him strangers were just friends he hadn't met. I always admired his ability to strike up a conversation with a person he had just met and talk as if he had always known him or her. The only thing he...