I was 6 years old when my sister, Joyce, was born. Dad used to sit on a chair in the kitchen to hold her until his arms would give out. He'd say to Mom: "you'd better take her now". So Mom would go over and take Joyce from him. Joyce...
This is a picture of my father when he started school. It may look like he is already becoming a trouble maker with that cross-eyed look on his face that so many of our kids today show when they are trying to shake things up a bit. But the real story...
A family in flux. In the last year my family has been in flux. Through this time family history has been a recurring thread. On my Mothers side there is a tapestry being created. On my Dads side that same tapestry is unraveling. With my daughter, the tapestry is weaving a...
On Getting The Right Attitude ... No one can make you happy, or unhappy. You may become that way, but trust me, 95% of the time, you will shape your happiness with your attitude. And it is only a matter of convenience just how offended you can be about...
On the road …again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Affinity With Tigers Blame it on his favorite uncle. As a youngster in short pants, the Footloose Forester sometimes heard his mother refer to her younger brother as Tiger; and in reality, her brother...
Moses DeVere Childs Excerpt from Perfection Through Sorrow by Bessie W. Stevens Another large picture hung in mother's bedroom it held a man with piercing eyes. My mother said that they were a deep blue and very kind: Moses DeVere Childs, her father. ...
"Grandpa, do you really know Sinterklaas?" This was the question posed to me by Zach, my five-year-old grandson during my visit with his family on December 6th. One of our family traditions around the Christmas season is that Sinterklaas' (Dutch name for Saint Nicholas) makes a visit to the homes...
After their wedding, Annette and Gerry begin married life in their home in Watson, South Australia, on the Nullabor Plain. The home had large rooms and they decorated and made it their own. In 1970 their first daughter was born and Annette had to make a decision about whether to stay...
In the 1940 United States Federal Census,almost one year before the birth of Michael J. McLatchy, the residence and family makeup of the Frank B. McLatchy family is enumerated. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1971-27865-19788-73?cc=2000219&wc=MMYW-GRZ:1257067259 Frank was working in solicitation at KSL Radio station at this time. This would have put him on the streets of...
Marion G. Romney Bruce R. McConkie MItt Romney Peter Vidmar There are many famous or well-known people across the world in religion, politics, business, music, etc. Are you related to any? I am! Let me share several from my father’s...
Ask any Missourian south of I70 what a “float trip” is and unless he is one of our more taciturn Ozarkers he will tell you. However as a boy living in Kansas where rivers flow muddy and sluggish I’d never heard of a float trip and 30 years later when we...
Video - Grandma Lucy
Every day in my practice as a counselor, I see how our lives are defined by relationships with others. Relationships shape, sustain and strengthen us. They give our lives meaning—our very identities. And relationships are still, as they always have been, enhanced by sharing our personal experiences and stories. Several years...
I began my genealogy obsession looking for my great-grandfather, Harry Thurman Mercer. My mom and uncle really didn't know much about his life story as a small boy or anything about his family. We all believed him to be an only child. I knew he was born and died in Illinois...
Approximately 85 of Col John Hazzard Carson's many descendants met in Marion, NC on the third weekend in June 2012, for the first weekend reunion. John was born in 1752 in the Kingdom of Ireland and emigrated to America in 1773. In 1775, he moved to Burke County, North Carolina in an area...
Each year, we have had the tradition to get together as family--Diane and me and our posterity-- for a couple of days. This year, we opted to use bonus time at Park Plaze Resort in Park City, Utah where Diane and I are owners. The six families (ours and our five...
My younger kid sister, she happened to go to nursing school here in Columbus. My wife was in the same nursing class, and my brother's wife was in the same grade at the old St. Francis Hospital here in town. So when I was in the army I would call my...
My Dad was taken out of school at an early age and was put to work with his dad, first was "cutting ties" (cutting down trees and shaping them into railroad ties). Then they both went to Texas to work in the oilfields. First they worked dismantling huge steel oil tanks. ...
I LOVE - LOVE - LOVE playing GAMES!!! When I was a young child we played lots of games - I played games with my siblings and with my parents. Some of the old favorite games I remember playing either with family or friends were Hide & Seek, Ennie-I-Over, Jack’s,...
Writing about our mother would require a full book, but over the past several months since her passing I have discovered even more to appreciate about the way she lived her life. I have finally set to the task of going through her things to decide what to keep. In...