On the road… again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek On Moseying It all started one morning when I was suspected of moseying on the job. I had never thought of myself as a moseyier, so it got me to thinking about moseying, in general. Is...
Spend 36 years in “The Vineyards of Education” and unless you were somehow completely insensible to your surroundings you will have a truckload of incidents, some humorous, others poignant, and a few (although too many) tragic, lurking in your memory. I began my career in September of 1957 as a band...
My dad really did not like cats! However, he let his little girl have several over her childhood. I have a photo of my sister and me where she is behind me holding a ball and I am not quite two and on a kiddie car reaching out to a kitten! So...
Had “Darwin Awards” existed in 1946, Gene Covell and I would have made the list. It could easily have been awarded posthumously were it not for the fact that guardian angels look over little kids. The stunt Gene and I dreamed-up seemed do-able at the time. Sure, in the bright light...
My First Baptizing A revival meeting had just come to an end at the Primitive Baptist Church and a baptizing was soon to be. I had heard of revival or protracted meetings, but I had heard little about baptizing. I asked no questions. I learned the place had...
Miss-Interpretations One beautiful Monday morning in early spring, my sister and I had something that was weighing heavily on our minds. We had been to church on Sunday and this matter was pertaining to the preacher’s sermon and we felt it was time that we were doing something...
Knot Holes The weather was getting nice and warm so Anne and I decided to pay Hazel this promised visit. It was a nice long walk and very pleasant. After we had rested for sometime, Hazel showed us through her nice new home. We passed...
Herbert The weather was nice and warm and all the plants and trees were getting dresses in their new clothes for summer. I climbed over the fence and started down across the meadow to the creek to see what I could find. Little did I realize that Herkie’s...
A Visit to a Spook Easy The Tennessee State Fair was in its infancy when I got a chance to go to this much talked of place. Once inside the gate, I stood awe stricken and wondered if it could be possible. After touring the midways and...
A Haunted House It was just after dusk one night early in the fall that I made a call at an old dilapidated, uninhabited dwelling house located in a deep forest. This house was said to be haunted. The air was cool crisp and the fog hovered...
My parents moved to the other side of Waltham when I was twelve years old. Caroline and I sat on our steps and cried. She was to be left behind with the neighborhood girls who always chose to ignore her. Anita, one of the girls, gained pleasure from throwing rocks at Caroline....
Caroline-My Friend Chapter One My family moved to Waltham Massachusetts& lt;/st1:place> when I was but two years old. The house next door was separated by just a few feet. It was a two story apartment house and on the second floor lived a little girl named Caroline who at the time...
Fibro-fo g. It's just one of the many symptoms of fibromyalgia, also known affectionately as "thorn in the flesh" or "pain in the toosh." It's estimated that 7-10 million Americans have it, most of them women which, in fact, explains why we of the gentler sex sometimes say and do the...
His uttered oath of profanity doesn't surprise me much. For some reason - be it right or wrong - it seems consistent with motorcycles, bandannas and leather jackets. Nevertheless, I turn around in my seat to see. Hubby Rob and I have stopped at a small coffee shop in downtown Colorado...
My reason for breaking the rules? Simple, I'm in a hurry and there's no time to find a buddy. I'm going on my first assignment for Neighbors Who Care, a ministry to victims of crime and I'm running late. Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered. By days end, I would...
You may call it what you wish - progesterone depletion, brain fog, carnality. All I know is that I got myself in a heap of trouble this weekend all because of attitude. The first time I handled it all right . . . I guess. As long as the lady doesn't...
Dear Friends and Family: Next to Colorado, Kentucky must be the closest place to heaven on earth. What a beautiful state! If my family and friends would go with me, I'd move there in a heartbeat. Asbury College in Wilmore, Kentucky is lovely and quaint. The town is no bigger than a...
We don't go there as often as we used to. When we were young, my brothers and I hurried through Saturday morning chores knowing that when our work was done, more often than not, we'd get to go to Taco House. Tacos, burritos, chalupas, guacamole . . . but "voted family...
King Solomon probably thought it unique to himself when he said, “Laughter is good medicine." But, I think it was God’s idea. The world looked rather bleak this morning. "You look tired, Mom,” Diana said as I climbed wearily onto the treadmill, “Didn't you sleep well last night?" "No. I...
It probably has something to do with being twelve. Or, maybe it’s just that he’s his mother’s son. Whatever, everything looks bigger, badder, teetering on catastrophe to Ben. The dangly thing hanging under the car was nearly his undoing. “Will it fall off mom? Are you sure it’s gonna be...