I think I was born whistling. I can thank James Smith Turner II (and whoever passed it to him!) for that--he always had a tune on his lips, as often expressed in a whistle as in any other way. As to whether it is ladylike to whistle . . . that's...
We are thankful for a lady like Zina Hanks. She was born and raised in Spring Lake, Utah. She will be 90 on July 12, 2014, and has enjoyed good health up until the end of September when she suffered a slight stroke. She and her husband Gale were married in...
We'd all love to have a neighbor like Junior Wayne Underwood. Junior was born in Eureka, Utah November 1, 1926. When he was three years old his family moved to Salem where he has lived ever since. His father was a carpenter and shoemaker and built the family home. Junior was...
Phyllis Porter Scott was born in Salem in the old family home that was located on 200 South 300 West. She is 85 years young and has lived in Salem all her life except for 2 years that she was in California and 1 year serving a mission for the LDS...
This month we would like to spotlight George and Gail Satteson. George was born in Milton, Pennsylvania. Gail was born in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania not far from Milton. They had a mutual friend who introduced them. Actually, Gail thought she was going to meet George's older brother, but says she got the...
This month we would like to spotlight Harold and Gloria Cox. Harold was born Feb. 26, 1935 in Ferron, Emery County, Utah and Gloria was born July 4, 1938 in Manti, Utah. Her birth certificate says July 5th because the doctor didn't get it signed until then. They have lived in...
Larry McKeehan, founding and charter member of the Board, remembers Eilleen in this special tribute: Quilcene Historical Museum Newsletter, Volume 9, Issue 1; Fall, 2012. "I count this thing to be grandly true: That a noble deed is a step towards God, Lifting the soul from the common clod to a...
I Could Have Been an Only Child When I was nearing my 80th birthday in 2013 my 96 year old mother contracted a severe urinary tract infection and became almost comatose. She was in and out of hospitals, nursing homes and home care for several months. Reluctantly, my wife and I...
Seventy-nine is just fine for this lady born in 1934, in New Mexico. Leola Butler has lived in Salem since1968 when she and her husband, Glen, bought the home in which she still lives. While in high school she worked at an Indian Trading Post in Ship Rock, New Mexico....
When I think of cherries, apples, peaches, and Sabin's Orchard, I think of Paul and Jenean Sabin. Paul was born in Salem, and Jenean was born in Spanish fork, although her family started out in Salem. They met on a blind date when she was a junior in high school and...
God Is Love There will be times when life if full of sorrow There will be nights so bleak you dread the coming morrow There will be times when Heavenly Father seems far away You will feel so alone, can't face another day. Rest Assured the sun will shine Blue...
This month we would like to spotlight Bart and Linda Mortensen. Bart was born in Carbon County and moved from Wellington to Salem when he was in the 7th Grade. Linda grew up in Salem. Bart is 71 years old and Linda is 70. They went to school together in Salem...
The following article was taken from a conversation with my grandfather, Watson Roberts Watrous: Electrifying The Susquehanna Valley Old Onaquaga Historical Society, by Fran Bromley The 20th Century brought many new conveniences to the Susquehanna Valley, perhaps themost important being electricity and invention to make use of it. Life slowly became...
.Duane "Dode" Montague has lived in Salem for 51 years. He was born and raised in Payson. His uncle gave him the nickname "Dode" and it has stuck ever since. As a youth he worked on farms because that was about the only job to be found. He met and married...
A man of many talents, abilities, and capabilities is Don Cole. With his wife, Jane Ann (Beck) Cole, he has accomplilshed a great deal and I suspect they might not be through. Both gradulated the same year form Spanish Fork High School and they got married shortly after. To help Don...
Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Self-Hypnosis For Well-Being Part II What do yoga, transcendental meditation and self-hypnosis have in common? Only an expert could explain in a convincing, substantive way; but the Footloose Forester will venture his version of an answer : Each practice is a deliberate...
Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Self-Hypnosis For Well-Being Part I It was back in 1974 when an entirely new way of thinking invaded the brain of the Footloose Forester . That was the time when a traveling clinical hypnotist on a lecture tour came to visit the...
One of the few seniors that was born and raised in Salem and still lives here is Richard (Dick) Hanks. He graduated from 9th grade in Salem and Spanish Fork High School. After he spent a couple of years with the people of California, he returned and entered BYU and started...
He was standing by the door at the high school watching as a bus load of students from Salem were getting off. There appeared a cute blonde. He turned to his friend and asked, "Who is that?" His friend said, "Joan Christensen, but she is way out of your league." Neal...
With 9 siblings there is no shortage of stories to tell about my family. They all have their own unique abilites and talents. This story is about my brother, Jim. He was the oldest of us 10 children me being second oldest. So, I always looked up to him. Today I...