Tremendous Healing Abilities of Water

As we all know, water is the source of life for all living things. Our body is made up of between 55 to 75 percent water. Our lungs are 90% water while our brain contains up to 76% water. The surface of the earth is comprised of over 70% water, out of which only 2% is fresh drinkable. Water plays an immense role in the well-being and proper functioning of the human body.

If you don’t drink enough water, you can get dehydrated and it can cause severe energy loss, putting you at risk for various ailments. Symptoms of dehydration include weakness, headache, fatigue, excess thirst, etc. If you desire a healthy lifestyle, make enough pure water a part of your daily routine. Drinking fresh, pure water has several health benefits, and some of them are listed below.



Heartburn is quite common and many people suffer from this condition. To get rid of the discomfort, people often turn to medication and over-the-counter antacid products. What they don’t understand is that heartburn may be caused by simple dehydration and the body may be indicating that it needs more water. The continuous use of antacids will eventually lead to even more health problems. Drinking adequate water can provide relief from heartburn and can reduce the need to rely on various medications.



Dehydration may cause certain migraine headaches. Most of the time, a person may just need to increase their water intake to counter this. Migraines can be prevented with adequate and consistent water intake.



Diabetes quite common and it affects all the blood vessels in the body. Extreme thirst is one of the key indicators of high glucose levels and therefore you should drink plenty of pure water. Only some of the body’s cells of a diabetic person get adequate amounts of water. Continuous occurrence of dehydration can result in damaged blood vessels throughout the body and if this happens, a diabetes patient may suffer from extreme health issues.



Obesity is a widespread problem mainly because of the hectic and unhealthy lifestyle that most people live today. It can lead to numerous health issues, and to prevent this from happening, it is important to keep your weight under control. Drinking plenty of water assists in weight loss by cleaning the body. It makes your kidneys work better, which allows eliminate excess harmful toxins from your body. Not only this, drinking an adequate amount of water also speeds up the metabolism, further helping in weight loss.

There are a variety of factors that determine how much water one should consume. Some of these factors include your general health status, how active you are, the climatic conditions you live in, etc. If you exercise regularly, you should increase your water intake to compensate for the fluids that are lost through sweating. Similarly, if you live in a hot and humid climate, you need to drink plenty of water to replace what you lose as a result of sweating. When you are sick with something like a cold or flu, you lose fluids and you need more water to replace them and prevent your body from dehydrating.                                                    

There are a few ways by which you can determine the amount of water that your body needs. You should start by drinking at least eight glasses of eight-ounce water each day. These 64 ounces include all the fluids that you consume throughout the day.


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