The Call The call came to me in a beauty salon. I was getting prettied up to go out that night to a concert with my husband, Clay Felker, a magazine editor and publisher and founder of New York Magazine "It's not benign", said the caller. "Not benign?" I...
I have been informed that within the next few days, the Lifetime Membership in I-ASK, and being grandfathered into ALL programs will come to a close for LegacyStories Early Adopters. Your immediate action is requested should you think that you would ever like to have a part-time or full time career...
Steer Toward The Runaway Truck Ramp Seen at the bottom of page 31, Time Magazine issue of 24 March 2014: • Can you make the world better in 140 characters • or less? We asked online luminaries for their best ideas. Tweet your...
Keepers (author anonymous) One day someone's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more. No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek If He Could Do It Over Again The trappings of the modern world are so much a part of our daily lives that we seldom contemplate what it must be like in places where there...
SWOT Analysis for Project Planning and Evaluation Given the number of important ventures that have had difficult births, experienced growing pains, have been marred by youthful indiscretions; and eventually grew into mature institutions that we have finally come to accept; it seems prudent that government and project planners should henceforth...
If I Had 3 Wishes As often as I have heard that expression, starting with my childhood, I have never been able to provide an answer. The inquiry is simple and innocuous enough, “what would you ask for, if you had three wishes?” Perhaps it was the recognition that such rhetorical...
A. Hmmh. Okay: Mum was not a willing housewife, and I have struggled with housewifery all my life. It has been a real handicap that I hope I can overcome one of these days! I surely hope my daughters have gone beyond what they learned from me. B. I have a...
Wickedness never was happiness. I would not have swiped that tantalizing little tub of Tiddlywinks from the ironmonger's shop of the generous Cunningham family in Golspie. I never let on to anybody and it never occurred to me to brave a return of same. To assuage my guilt I eventually tried...
All I Need To Know About Life, I Learned From Trees (Anonymous) It’s important to have roots… In today’s complex world, it pays to branch out… Sometimes you have to shed your old bark in order to grow… If you really believe in something, don’t be afraid to go...
Novices, Ghost Writers, Editors, and Publishers Most, if not all, would-be writers are diffident about some aspect of their craft. Even world renowned novelists of the past had their private misgivings about writing well; or even being able to write at all. Writer’s block is a condition that involves...
Ta le of Discovery Arial fonts are neat and tidy, like me; at the tender size of 28, or 26, on Heading 2; Heading 3 is still bold and brash but.... but when you change the font to A stodgy old Courier New in Size 18-- it doesn't...
Five Principles To Live By 1. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is the modern language version of the biblical dictum: Love thy neighbor as you love thyself. We are a human family and our neighbors live close-by; and in other lands....
Rules to Live By: Actually, I don't like the word "rules." Sometimes that has a wrong connotation in some people's minds. However, for lack of a better word--actually I just thought of one...............Principles to Live By. There, much better! BE KIND. Showing kindness goes a long ways in this troubled world....
Hi Friends of Legacy, This story was contributed by Tom Cordle, author and songwriter. I asked him to write a press article related to our January Theme which was "Turning over a new leaf". I wasn't expecting to be included in the article but his angle was creative and I think...
I was recently asked how to place text next to a photo in the story editor. Here's an example of what that looks like and then below you can see the step by step instructions. BEFORE Yesterday I was driving home from the park where I had just walked my two...
Hi Everyone, I am excited to start this blog so we can provide guidance around the website as well as information that can be helpful for preserving and passing on a legacy. Anything you wish to contribute in tis regard will be helpful to all. Look for all kinds of cool...
One of the most important factors affecting the preservation of photographs are the considerations of storage and display conditions. This includes what they are stored or enclosed in, the area in which they are stored, and the manner in which they are displayed. STORAGE Although the sun and it’s Ultra-Violet rays...
Words of Wisdom My Mother Taught Me – Annie Payne I have always maintained that all mothers were given an imaginary ‘Rules for Mothers’ manual when their first child was born, containing all of those catchphrases that are used daily by mothers around the world. You know the phrases that I...
March 25, 2012. I receive a story prompt from Legacy Stories about my predictions for the future. My thoughts begin to swirl as I think through the infinite possibilities. I dare to write so my thoughts become anchored in time. If I believe in my opinions then this is a way...