Forestation in Brazil

On the road…again!!!
Essays, Stories, Adventures, Dreams
Chronicles of a Footloose Forester
By Dick Pellek


Forestation in Brazil


The photo credits used in this chronicle are unknown but were copied from Facebook.  My apology for taking the easy way out in re-telling a story about forestation in Brazil.  Some would call it tree planting, some would call it reforestation and a few would refer to it as afforestation, the act of re-vegetating an area that previously did not have trees or has been devoid of trees for an extended period of time.  The planting project began in 2001.



 The story behind this planting project is not available at this time


As computer technology and information-sharing techniques evolve, photos as part of the story will become more important. Before-after photo comparisons as powerful story-telling devices are often more convincing and easier to comprehend than wordy explanations.  Photos are quickly assimilated in our minds whereas written text, especially on technical subjects, takes longer to peruse and might require some a priori knowledge to properly appreciate.  Each individual can appreciate a photo and assign a level of regard on their own level of comprehension of its content. 

There is a short story that accompanied the before-after photos of this afforestation project in Brazil, but unfortunately, it disappeared in the Facebook news feed of the Footloose Forester.  Capturing photos and also capturing the context are opportunistic moments that are all too fleeting.  There are ways to capture everything but one must be acutely conscious of the requirements and then act before the news feeds pass by, never to be repeated.

UPTATE: 27 March 2024

The Footloose Forester changed the title of this chronicle in the belief that the area shown in the photographs had been forested in the not distant past, thus the word afforestation is inappropriate. 




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